01st December 2020FMD Use and Learn Period in Ireland to continue into 2021The Safety Features Oversight Group (comprising IMVO, HPRA, PSI, Department of Health, HSE and Private Hospitals Association) continues to oversee progress with FMD implementation in Ireland. Because of the unique circumstances in which we find ourselves this year and the need to ensure that the medicines supply chain can cope with whatever challenges the Covid-19...READ MORE
30th April 2020Update on Plans for Ending FMD Use and Learn in IrelandThe Safety Features Oversight Group [1] has been reviewing plans to end the FMD use and learn period on a phased basis in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Group recognises that this crisis has placed considerable strain on all parties involved in the medicines supply chain in Ireland – pharmacies, hospitals, and wholesalers as well as manufacturers, MAHs andREAD MORE
07th February 2020Update on Plans for Ending Safety Features Use and Learn in Ireland on Phased Basis from 2nd March 2020Following on from previous communications about plans to end the use and learn period on a phased basis, the Safety Features Oversight Group1 has now agreed that this will be done in the following phases starting from 2nd March 2020READ MORE
01st October 2019FMD Use and Learn Period in Ireland to End on Phased Basis from 31st January 2020The National Safety Features Oversight Group comprising the Irish Medicines Verification Organisation (IMVO), the Department of Health, the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI), the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Private Hospitals Association (PHA) continues to meet regularly to monitorREAD MORE
02nd September 2019Announcement of extension to FMD ‘use and learn’ period in Ireland beyond SeptemberNew Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) safety feature requirements came into effect on 9th February 2019. Since then the system in Ireland has been in a ‘use and learn’ phase to ensure the continuity of safe supply of medicines to patients while all parties gained a better understanding of the new systemREAD MORE
24th June 2019Announcement of new IMVO Head of ITIMVO is delighted to announce the appointment of Dermot Byrne as Head of IT with IMVO. With experience built up over 25 years in commercial industry, across a range of roles, Dermot has managed both the technology and commercial aspects of business change and service delivery across the Irish, UK and US marketsREAD MORE
08th May 2019Decision to extend ‘use and learn’ phaseNew FMD safety feature requirements came into effect on 9th February. During this time, the system in Ireland has been in ‘use and learn’ phase to ensure the continuity of safe supply of medicines to patients while all parties gained a better understanding of the new system. The national Safety Features Oversight Group comprisingREAD MORE
08th February 2019New medicines security features further protect supply chain for medicinesA new national and European system, giving patients further protection from the threat of counterfeit medicines comes into effect tomorrow (Saturday 9th February 2019). Throughout Europe, medicine packs will have enhanced tamper-proof measures and will now carry a barcode with a unique serial number so that each pack can be scannedREAD MORE
05th February 2019Announcement of national approach to safety features implementation – initial ‘use and learn’ phaseFollowing discussions at a national level between the Department of Health, the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI), the HSE and Private Hospitals Association (PHA) stakeholder representatives and IMVO, it has been decided to adopt a pragmatic approach to the implementation of theREAD MORE
31st October 2018Online registration for pharmacies and hospitals now openIMVO is delighted to announce that online registration for pharmacies and hospitals is now open. This is an important milestone to assist pharmacies and hospitals in complying with new EU Falsified Medicines Directive (‘FMD’) requirements that come into effect on 9th February 2019. IMVO has contacted all community pharmaciesREAD MORE